8/14/20 Friday

Good morning!

7:25 am. I woke up about an hour ago. I’ve been to the bathroom. No BM. Scale reads exactly the same as yesterday. 166.6.

Day 5 of 20 hour fasting. Yesterday was the first only 4 hour eating window. Every other day I lost track of time. Just wasn’t ready to do omad yet…. Soon. I want to make it to a 24 hour fast. I want that autophagy!

Fitbit gave me an excellent sleep score of 90.

My resting heart rate has been consistently lower all this week.

I’ve been feeling much more clear headed and WAY fewer cravings for sweets. I mean I usually have this voice in my head nagging me to get something sweet in my mouth constantly. But not this week and let me tell you it’s kinda strange. Not bad strange. Just different than normal.

Anyways… I need to get groceries today. I hate shopping these days with the corona virus pandemic..

Closing for now it’s 8:22am

10:30 am. I went for a bike ride. Almost 5 miles. It was tougher than normal. It was daytime sun was shining on me making me hot and 97 degrees outside. Got home and kinda collapsed… Didn’t pass out or anything. Just felt spent. Put in an order for grocery pick up. Went to get up and felt a little light headed. Drank some water electrolytes might be off. I have until 12:19 to eat. Don’t feel hungry at all. Had sm BM current weight 166.2.

8:44 pm. I am feeling fine. I’m taking a break from the 20 hour fasts until Monday. Just going to do 16/8 over the weekend. I went for another bike ride this evening. It was muggy and windy going up the hill. Made for a tiring workout. I didn’t make it 5 miles. But its ok. Tomorrow I plan to get up and work out early. Probably won’t ride my bike until the evening like I usually do. Took some pictures today. Mostly just plants and chickens but one selfie I took turned out kinda cool.

Happy Friday. I hope tomorrow my scale will come down. But it might not…. I had a mini blizzard from Dairy Queen this evening after my bike ride… Ugh. Well I’ll get there… I have commited myself to this. I may not get there in a straight line but I will!!


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